Sunday, March 16, 2014

Week Seven

Let’s be real: sometimes I want to wring your neck. Sometimes I’m sure you have less than pleasant thoughts about me. However, those times are few and far-between. Most of the time you make it incredibly easy for me to love you. The times that I know I love you the most are probably when it’s the most difficult to love you as a person. We both learn things about each other every day. We’re both still figuring out how this healthy relationship thing works. We are still learning how each other tick and what ticks us off. We’re both growing as people and as a couple. What I do know is that there is no one else that I would rather have as my partner. I want to see us both reach our full potential and really work toward achieving goals/dreams. You are meant for great things, Matt. I know it. I can feel it. You are so much more than you’ve ever thought you were. Truth be told, we’ve both been in a mid-twenties funk lately and we really need to get out of it. I know that once we really start making some things fall into place we’ll be able to stress out a little less. Whether we’re in a mansion or a cardboard box, I want to be there with you…. But I’d prefer a mansion…. or a Craftsman or Victorian (ya know, whatever). This week has showed me that while we still have things to work on (as all people do), progress can be made. I love each sweet look you give me, the way your face looks and your voice sounds when you tell me you love me, the way we can’t kiss each other just once, and sleeping beside you each night. Most of all, I think I love the comfortable sweetness of knowing that you’re all mine and I’m all yours.

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