Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Week Eight

This past week we celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with a party at home with friends. We had a great time playing charades. You were awesome! It really meant a lot to me that you not only participated but gave it 100%. You seriously make me laugh every day. You even tried all of the Irish food despite you not being really big on trying new foods. That made me feel good too. So many little things you do go such a long way. I really hope that we have more get-togethers like that. You and the guys also went on your annual pilgrimage to see Children of Bodom. I’m so glad that you got to go but I missed you like crazy. I miss you so intensely when you’re away. I was so happy when you got back. Things just aren’t as entertaining without you here. We’re eight weeks into our marriage and I’m feeling very hopeful. I’m imagining what our future looks like: what careers we’ll have, where we’ll live, the trips we’ll take, the friends we’ll make. When I used to think about what I wanted in my future husband, I knew that I wanted someone smart, witty, funny, a lover of music (and a bonus if they could sing!), someone who was handsome and a great lover. You are all of those things. I am so thankful for you every day. As lame as it might sound, I swear I wished for you.

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